A long weekend is always great, so I was looking forward to the extra day today. I must say I spent most of the weekend doing boring domestic chores, but took a break now and again to go on Facebook mainly to play Mafia Wars. I know most people can’t understand a seemingly intelligent person playing these virtual games, everyone to their own I say and it works for me. I’ve got around 1,800 friends on FB of these about 200 or so would be relatives or real friends, the rest I picked up playing Mafia Wars. There are a lot of clans and they fight each other, mainly friendly wars, sometimes not. I started an Irish Clan (TIM the Irish Mob) about 1½ years ago and now have around 2,000 members, I am the Godmother obviously being the creator. I have made quite a few mates through this, they’re from all around the world and all have some Irish connection. Now I must add I do get the odd weirdo but I’m quick to remove them. I would never accept a friend request unless (a) I knew them or (b) we had lots of mutual friends in common. Anyway I find it a great way to chill out especially after a difficult, stressful day at work.
I took another break today from my domesticity and decided to take 2 laptops apart (now I do enjoy that) Both machines are broken so before I sent them to the dump I removed hard drives, one was useful enough but the other only 40gb. I also removed the memory and now have 3 spare 1gb DDR2’s. I’m sure someone will be glad of them for their laptop. I stripped another few things that may come in useful some day and if not, well they won’t take up much space.
I’m going to treat myself to a new laptop for Christmas, a decent one! I’m now left with only the notebook and useless ipad, though in saying that I downloaded Nav Free on it and it’ll make a fine Sat Nav for the car, nice big display. Well I do have the 2 PC's but I like to always have a laptop on my lap when watching TV or in bed and if there was a waterproof one I’d use it in the bathroom as well.
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