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Monday, October 18, 2010


I now have 4 Grandchildren.  A very happy birthday to my eldest Grandson Louis who is 6 today.  Alexa, his sister is 2 (more about her later).  They live in Surrey, England.  Then there is Jack 3 and Luke 3 months, who are both in Clonmel.

To say I’m not your stereotype Grandma would be putting it mildly!  No rocking chairs, knitting and baking for this one.  I think I disappoint my children somewhat, but I have a very busy life, so much going on, that I don’t really have time to do those Grandmotherly things like babysitting and gaga-ing all the time.

On the upside though, once they get past that baby, dependant stage and they can speak and act fairly normally without crying all the time I come into my own!  Jack was up here yesterday afternoon so I let him play Millionaire on my ipad…see pic below.  Now in all fairness not many grannies do that.

Now Alexa (or Lexi as we call her) who is 2, is certainly something else.  She actually proves my point that women are the superior race.  She was over on holidays a few weeks ago and always runs to me and jumps on my lap saying “computer, computer Gran” I then log onto Youtube to find things to amuse her and this particular day it was going on for too long and I had other things to be getting on with, so I showed her how to use the mouse and click on things and how to go back and look for other things of interest.  Lo and behold she got it straight away and for the rest of the holiday you’d find Lexi sitting up next to the PC finding her way around Youtube and playing her favourites.  But better still the boys would ask her to find the things that they wanted to watch.  Maybe it’s laziness on the male part, but I really don’t think so.

My intention was to get another picture of Jack but he decided he wouldn't cooperate.  So instead I took a photo of our Golden Labrador Lucy.  She didn't complain, dogs are so obedient, not like children!

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